Our plan strategic

Strategic plan

Strategic Plan 2015-2025

Advances in the fulfillment of the objectives set out in the 2015-2025 Strategic Plan, drawing a route to achieve the objectives that are wanted in the coming years and which was approved by the partners. The vision of this plan is to achieve a sustainable agricultural culture, through four strategic axes: economic, social, environmental and institutional, each of which contemplates specific objectives aimed at fulfilling the Strategic Plan as a whole.

Comprehensive implementation of peace agreements, focused on new Colombian countryside. Colombia begins a new chapter, after 52 years of civil war, through a peace agreement “for the construction of stable and lasting peace” the agricultural sector occupies the first point; where the peasants are the center of a mixed system of integral reparation. The agreements lay the foundations for the transformation of the countryside, reversing the effects of the conflict and the conditions that have facilitated the persistence of violence in the country and creating the conditions of well-being and good living for the rural population. It seeks the eradication of extreme rural poverty and a 50% reduction in poverty in the countryside within 10 years, the promotion of equality, the closing of the gap between the countryside and the city, the reactivation of the countryside and, especially, the development of peasant, family and community agriculture. The National Sector Plans for the implementation of the agreements towards a new Colombian field are articulated to the objectives of the strategic plan of Fedeagru Saesc Colombia. This allows the field of public goods and services, seeking to help rural inhabitants overcome poverty and inequality, and close the gaps between the countryside and the city. In particular, what is sought is to strengthen the peasant, family and solidarity economy and integrate it with markets throughout the country.

Sectoral plans

Infrastructure and Adaptation

Tertiary roads. It seeks to achieve regional integration and provide rural inhabitants with access to social services and markets.

Distribution of Irrigation. It seeks to boost agricultural production and the peasant economy, guaranteeing democratic and environmentally sustainable access to water.

Electricity and connectivity. Seeks to expand electrical and internet coverage.

Social Development.

Health. It seeks to strengthen the coverage and quality of the public health network in rural areas.

It seeks to guarantee the coverage, quality and relevance of education from early childhood to higher education and eradicate illiteracy in rural areas.

Housing and drinking water. It seeks to guarantee access to village aqueducts and to the improvement of housing conditions in the countryside.

Productivity Stimuli

Peasant Solidarity Economy. It seeks to stimulate associative forms of work that bring the producer closer to consumers and goods and services. In addition, a national marketing plan for the products of the peasant economy will be created. Technical, Technological and research assistance for the peasant economy. Financial capital. It seeks to facilitate access to credits, seed capital and crop insurance. Social Security. It seeks to improve the working conditions of farm workers and ensure their affiliation to social protection mechanisms. Food and Nutrition Security. Seeks to eradicate hunger and ensure healthy food in the Colombian countryside.


FEDEAGRU SAESC COLOMBIA, in addition to representing before the citizenship and before the departmental and national government, the interests of agricultural producers and of bringing their spokesmanship in everything that could mean benefit for the sector, the region and The country is available to provide services directly through qualified professionals in each of the areas detailed below: Intermediation before private and public organizations related to agroeconomic activity. Coordination, advice and representation at fair events in the sector. Advice on technical and scientific personnel required in agricultural and agroindustrial activities. Indications on management and execution of Agroforestry and environmental programs. Advice on Production, Marketing and Export of Agricultural Products, Livestock and Cattle.



In its development, the federation may execute all acts or contracts that are convenient or necessary for the full fulfillment of its corporate purpose and that has a direct relationship with the producer.

Desarrollo Social

  1. Health . It seeks to strengthen the coverage and quality of the public health network in rural areas.
  1. It seeks to guarantee the coverage, quality and relevance of education from early childhood to higher education and eradicate illiteracy in rural areas.
  1. Housing and drinking water . It seeks to guarantee access to village aqueducts and to the improvement of housing conditions in the countryside.

Estímulos a la Productividad

  1. Rural Solidarity Economy . It seeks to stimulate associative forms of work that bring the producer closer to consumers and goods and services. In addition, a national marketing plan for the products of the peasant economy will be created.
  2. Technical, Technological and research assistance for the peasant economy.
  3. Financial Capital. Seeks to facilitate access to credits, seed capital and crop insurance.
  4. Social Security. It seeks to improve the working conditions of farm workers and ensure their affiliation to social protection mechanisms.
  5. Food and Nutrition Security. Seeks to eradicate hunger and ensure healthy food in the Colombian countryside.
  • FEDEAGRU DE COLOMBIA. Guarantees the continuous growth of products and services, promoting national agricultural development, and the social welfare of the Colombian peasant.
  • They are logistics and food sovereignty centers of the peasant economy, it is a system of production-marketing-supply-distribution of fresh food.
  • Support for the production and marketing of agricultural products of the highest quality, both for the national market and the international market .
  • SAESC . “Food Security Sustainable Economy Campesina” is a brand of sustainable development that proposes a developed peasant economy channel through the implementation of direct sales of products to collection centers or neighborhood stores, and for international marketing .
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