Improving the quality of   life
of our producers.

Importance of the Campesina Sustainable Economy Food Security (SAESC) project.

The traditional system of production-marketing-supply-distribution of fresh food, collectors and packers, wholesalers of the supply plants, traditional merchants as well as modern shops, although it has guaranteed the availability of food, has done so with high economic, social and environmental costs in rural communities. In the first case, the prices in the rural territories are not sufficiently remunerative and the high final sales prices do not improve the purchasing capacity of Colombian peasant families, this is due to outsourcing in the intermediation of the commercialization chain. Considering the social aspect that in the areas of greatest poverty have less food availability and, consequently, lower nutritional levels creating displacement from the countryside to urban areas. From an environmental point of view, more and more use of natural resources (land-water) is required to obtain sufficient family income: increased production to improve income. One of the causes of the high costs indicated, are the level of losses and losses that are generated along the food chain, of the order, conservatively, of 15% (organizations such as FAO calculate between 30 and 35%), due that the processes of the traditional supply system are not articulated under an integrated, systematic and aligned operation to common objectives.

Censo Nacional Agropecuario 2014.

The graph shows that in Colombia we have a production area of ​​42.3 million ha. Of which the highest percentage of hectare in production is conditioned for the pasture sector with an average of 33.8 million ha and that is equivalent to 80% of the productive agricultural area in Colombia, there are also 7.5 million ha in crops, with an inventory of 9.0 million ha, with an average of 6.9 million ha harvested and with a total production of 33.2 million tons.
The graph shows us that the production of annual tons of agricultural products is around 32 million tons, this indicator is below the capacity of collecting the storage plants in Colombia, nothing different happens from the national event in our territory where you do not have the right conditions for storage and distribution since Colombia has an average collection in the supply centers of the main cities of Colombia of around 366.8 thousand tons on average with a variation of 5% per month we can indicate that The average annual collection in the supply centers of the main cities of the country with a margin of variation of 10% is 4.6 million and with a higher average peak of 5 million tons per year. This inability to store or collect the products harvested from the Agricultural Productive Units (UPA) has generated an economic imbalance in the commercialization of the agricultural product of the productive units, if we observe the productive potential that is estimated at 32, millions of tons per year and The storage capacity of the power plants is observed at an average of 5 million tons. This difference in the marketing and collection of agricultural products has generated an unfair and predatory market in small-scale farmers because the products do not have the safe market for sale and commercialization, and they are immersed and subject to some intermediaries that exploit to small producers bought their product at a loss and below the reinvestment profits in the productive activity or in the Agricultural Productive Unit (UPA) that they develop.
This imbalance of Food Security and Rural economy in the Agricultural Productive Units (UPA) has generated an increase in the (UPNA) Non-Agricultural Productive Units, being the territory of Antioquia with the highest percentage of participation in the dispersed rural areas.

We work for our Colombia

(SAESC) as an Intelligent System for Food Supply and Distribution

We work for our Colombia

In a society like Colombia, with a population in food poverty close to 8.1%, external migration dynamics and rapid consolidation of metropolitan areas, there is a need to create a modern supply system, capable of transforming the production scheme , purchase and sale of fresh products such as fruits and vegetables, in a more efficient one, which creates solid links between the productive and commercial sectors, that is, an integrated system of marketing and supply of fresh foods, under more competitive business schemes and fair to agricultural producers, wholesalers and retailers, particularly public markets, greengrocers and fruit shops and stores. For the 2005 census, the adjusted Multidimensional Poverty Index (MPI) in the dispersed rural area of ​​Colombia was 73.7%, a decade later, the 3rd ANC shows a decrease in poverty, the adjusted MPI is located at 44.7% This includes, among other factors, the increase in people with access to health services, which went from 77.2% in the 2005 Census to 96.1% of people affiliated for the 3rd CNA of 2014.

SAESC It is proposed, as a rural economy channel that will be developed through the implementation of the direct sale of the products to collection centers or in neighborhood stores, and for international Wholesale direct selling peasant markets. two). International peasant markets with direct marketing.



The problems of peasants in the Urabá region, is that at the time of harvesting agricultural products they have no one to sell at a fair price, being exposed to commission agents or intermediaries who pay a value well below their earnings. This is mostly affected by poor and displaced population households that have come back thanks to the programs that the state has implemented upon return to places of origin to cultivate the land and create ancestral customs that were lost due to forced displacement. They occurred in rural communities. The production in tons of Rice in the municipality is 128 tons in 2014 generating 0.40 jobs per hectare with an area planted 85 hectares creating a total of 34 jobs for the total hectares planted in the town. Production in tons of Corn in the municipality is 142 tons in 2014 generating 0.20 jobs per hectare with an area planted 118 hectares creating a total of 24 jobs for the total hectares planted in the town. Production in tons of Cocoa in the municipality is 32 tons in 2014 generating 0.50 jobs per hectare with an area planted 324 hectares creating a total of 180 jobs for the total hectares planted in the town. Production in tons of Banana in the municipality is 9,500 tons in 2014 generating 0.80 jobs per hectare with an area planted 950 hectares creating a total of 760 jobs for the total hectares planted in the town. Production in tons of Maracuyá in the municipality is 145 tons in 2014 generating 0.80 jobs per hectare with an area planted 57.8 hectares creating a total of 72.25 jobs for the total of hectares planted in the municipality. The total tons produced for the year 2014 in the agricultural products described above were 12,563 tons with an average of sown hectares of 2,273 hectares and with a generation of employment of 1150 direct employment. For these reasons, a more direct distribution channel with the SAESC brand is necessary so that small agricultural producers can access the direct sales marketing markets of their products and maintain a sustainable and safe economy In their communities. Most of the tons produced are subject to intermediaries for the benefit of their capitals, making the excuse that prices fell because the market is demanding it.

Population that intends to benefit the project (SAESC), (Chigorodó)

The victim population of the territory amounts to 37,000 people, of which 32,000 are for displacement and 5,000 for other victimizing events. However, this number only accounts for the people directly affected. The majority of the victim population is settled in the urban area since there is no option for sustainable economic development in the countryside. This population has a problem of unemployment and habitability (there are families with 4 or 5 households in the same house) and the offer of income generation programs is limited. The programs offered in the municipality by entities such as SAMA, the Agrarian Bank and even the Families in their Land of the DPS point to the rural sector and despite not being sufficient there are usually more opportunities to access programs or grants that allow options for income generation


The FEDEAGRU DE COLOMBIA with the SAESC brand, is highly qualified to carry out the necessary actions that help improve the economic conditions of income generation of small and medium agricultural producers in the territory of the Urabá region, with the implementation of the SAESC brand . FEDEAGRU DE COLOMBIA has a plant of professionals in charge of establishing a direct relationship with the peasant community and has experience in negotiating international markets in the fresh fruit sector. An average of 400 associates have been registered in the territory but with a total coverage of the territory in the administrative jurisdiction of the municipality of Chigorodó. The FEDEAGRU DE COLOMBIA, in its object and in the use of the social faculties, makes an economic contribution or remuneration to the peasant communities, for the solution of their agricultural or territorial problems


Successful expectations. The expectations of success of SAESC for metropolitan areas of the country are based on:
  • The structuring of a network of Food Logistics Centers that meet the demand of the metropolitan areas of the country. FEDEAGRU DE COLOMBIA with the SAESC brand will attend the sale with a national and international demand in annual tons of the products harvested by the farmers to be consumed and distributed to the populations of the interior metropolitan areas and from outside the country.
  • The possibility that the wholesale merchants will cover that demand constantly for the orders that SAESC will raise in their daily journey, is an extremely attractive sales force for the wholesale merchants, since it will be linked the marketing of products directly with the field.
  • The attraction for the final consumers of the metropolitan areas, is the saving of supply costs incurred by the outsourcing of intermediaries in the commercialization chain, when they buy directly from the farmers. There will be financing policy in which another attraction is constituted, since they will enjoy credit, will be subject to the credit study.
Urabá in the system of international and national flows The Urabá Darién region presents privileged conditions for connectivity at national and international levels, due to its strategic position in the corner of the South American continent, whose use could eventually position Urabá as a high-value transport node at national and international levels. The Vision of Antioquia as “The Best Corner of America” ​​is based on the privileged location of Urabá, due to its corner condition, which offers opportunities for continental and interoceanic connections, and the possibility of providing port services given the favorable conditions of the Gulf from Urabá for the establishment of a port, closer to the country’s major consumption centers. The Urabá region enjoys exceptional conditions for the maritime and river connection, thanks to the Gulf of Urabá and the presence of rivers that, due to their flow and conditions, allow navigability. Conditions that have not yet been exploited as a key factor in the development of Urabá and Antioquia.
  • The Leon River that is part of the gear of elements that together make up the port activity of the banana economy.
  • The canals and piers of Zungo and Nueva Colonia that are part of the same port system for the marketing of bananas
  • Turbo’s cabotage port that provides the service for the transport of bulk goods to nearby centers, and passengers for the Chocó tourist centers located on the western gulf side.
Banana production is partly oriented to export, the other products to the local market and the Atlantic coast. There is practically no exchange of goods with the central area of ​​Urabá, which has the greatest economic dynamics and demand for products due to the concentration of population in the conurbation of the banana axis. Extensive livestock, which is developed in large estates, in the flat areas with little slope of the valleys. Peasant economy in small plots developed on the coastal plain of the municipalities of the Urabá region and on the upper parts of the river basins the most representative products of small Producers is (banana, cassava, corn, cocoa palm, pineapple, passion fruit) The small producers have been displaced by the expansion of the large estates and but the biggest displacer of the peasants has been the armed conflict that our territories have lived since the 1980s.


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